Miljana said terrible things –

Miljana said terrible things –
Miljana said terrible things –

The Elite participant said scandalous things tonight, thinking that the camera was not recording her.

In question is Miljana Kulić, who in a conversation with Đedović, in a fit of anger, said something that was widely shared on social networks.

She said that some people should have relationships with her, and she also implicated the host of Elite.

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Everyone should eat me. And Zika Jakšić, and you, and Milan Milošević, everyone – said Miljana as she followed Marko.

The comments under the video on an Instagram page that deals with the participants are only spreading, and many did not understand what she said at first, and pointed out that general chaos will arise because of these words.

Even the admins of the page were shocked by what she said.

– Oh my God – they wrote, and watch the video at the top of the text.

The article is in Serbian

Tags: Miljana terrible Alo .rs


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