The full moon in Scorpio, the moment when the phoenixes go to bed

The full moon in Scorpio, the moment when the phoenixes go to bed
The full moon in Scorpio, the moment when the phoenixes go to bed

Last night at 1.48am we had a full moon at 4* degree Scorpio, which is in a T square with Scorpio’s co-ruler, the Cosmic Emperor of Transformation, Pluto himself or the god of the underworld, Hades.

Perhaps we can say that this is the last, painful stitch in this cosmic intervention, which has been carried out on our spirit for some time, before the cosmic awakening from anesthesia that will happen with the conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces on April 29th. And as the Sun is in Venus’s sign of Taurus, this cosmic intervention is also of an aesthetic nature, because when we finally remove from “somewhere at the bottom of the heart deep inside”, all those Scorpion resentments, jealousy, possessiveness, obsessiveness, that face that hints underneath and emerge after this process, they will seem more satisfied, happier, more fulfilled and more ready for all the changes that the great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has prepared for us.

These squares of these lights, both the Sun and the Moon with Pluto, indicate that a deep change is needed in order to see the truth more clearly. Perhaps the opening of that spiritual sight will go through the fact that we will not like what we see at first, and that we are not comfortable. It’s like removing a veil from your eyes, but very painful, because we haven’t even realized how much we’ve actually gotten used to the dark. You know that sometimes it is necessary to cry rivers of tears in order to change the view, to gain clarity.

You know that sometimes it is necessary to cry rivers of tears in order to change the view, to gain clarity.

This alchemical sign of Scorpio, right there near the 3* degree where the degree of the fall of the Moon (soul) and the degree of exaltation of Pluto, sucks us into a black hole of singularity, from which no one comes out the same. It is the epitome of the alchemical processes of transformative magic, lat. eadem mutata resurgo, which means although changed, I resurrect the same, identical. The deepest sanctuary and purgatory of souls through which we now pass, and come out the same, yet profoundly changed. Displaced. Repackaged and reassembled. This is the place where the Phoenix birds roost.

How to regain power

In order for man to reach his power (represented by pluto), he must first bravely and calmly face everything that awakens helplessness and powerlessness in him. Because perhaps even more than impotence, man fears his own power, and more than death, man fears his own immortality. In order for man to be free, to be himself, he must free himself from all the attachments and conditionings with which his own mind insidiously bribes him.

When this awareness of the core itself is awakened, we begin to realize our power and remember that the same atoms that build us, make explosions in the Sun and in space. We realize that we are not only of cosmic origin, but that we are like a Supernova which, when it explodes, spreads through the eternal (all) peace into the vastness of the black hole itself, but along the way it produces a magnificent glow, a spectacle, show, just like a volcano, like a natural firework, turns red and amazes everyone by painting its rims with the red color of glowing lava, whose beauty and heat we admire, but which we fear at the same time. So why should we be afraid of our own eruptions, when they actually show us how beautifully powerful we are. Beyonce says it well: If we gonna heal, let it be glorious.

In order for man to reach his power (represented by pluto), he must first bravely and calmly face everything that awakens helplessness and powerlessness in him.

At the level of the soul, sometimes our soul is sucked in by the darkness, should it not learn to produce Light on its own! When we are in the dark, we are in the most ideal opportunity to know our light nature and know our own inner light. And light, i.e. photons, just like in physics, so in metaphysics, are created through the collision of a particle with its antiparticle (eg an electron with a positron) in the process of annihilation. Therefore, when we also consciously collide with our shadow, with our anti-side, with all that we deny and do not accept and refuse to accept within our human nature, we become light.

When we consciously integrate and “collide” with our subconscious, we become light. When we bring the light of consciousness (Sun, Osiris) into our subconscious (Moon, Isis), we cease to exist, act and behave from our unconscious which is essentially dominant, and which is steeped in the fears and compulsions of our ancestors, than when we become deeply conscious recorded karmic unconscious paternal behaviors and actions and take responsibility for them and realize that we are here to make those patterns conscious and transform, we gain free will and free our offspring from having to deal with correcting our “guilty deeds” in the future. Therefore, the sign of the scorpion is precisely the place of transformation of karma into dharma, the place of transformation of pain into power.

Full Moon in Scorpio: Raw and raw

That’s why this Full Moon may raw and raw, just like T-squares from Pluto, awaken the opportunity to overcome ourselves and to overcome our deepest pain and fear, giving us the opportunity to meet it. That fear that paralyzes us. And that is the fear that we will be left, abandoned. Or the fear that we are unnecessary, that we are not important, the fear that we are nobody and nothing. The fear of separation, which was activated the moment they cut the umbilical cord, and when we were physically separated from our mother for the first time (Moon). And the fear that haunted us throughout our childhood as the most terrifying thought that our mother would (someday) die. And in fact, it was only in that process that we confused attachment and love. Addiction and love. Love and emotional pain. And it is from this emptiness, sadness, even horror, but actually a deeply imprinted memory and subconscious belief that we have been betrayed and abandoned, abandoned by our mother (even if only for a moment), that our insatiable desire to reconnect, to uncontrollably fill that void, which later some compensate with different types of addiction, either from drinks that will anesthetize the pain, cigarettes or from sex or obsessive thoughts.

This Full Moon can part the curtain to introduce us to the monster we fear most. And talking about monsters, we should also look at the root of that word, which also contains the word – miracle. And where there are monsters, there is Lady Gaga, and we should remember her symbolic creation that she wore at the Met Gala 2019, where she went from a purple dress surrounded by black umbrellas to her characteristic striptease to her nudity and the most intimate underwear. And this full moon is metaphorically that, striptease to the skin!

Let’s find the most intimate parts of ourselves

It’s time to take off all those clothes and all that negative emotional charge that separates us from our core and our deepest truth. We have to come gradually to our nakedness and stare at our own nakedness. Boldly. With a touch of flirtation and narcissism towards himself. Let us desire to honestly penetrate into the deepest and most intimate parts of ourselves, without losing ourselves in our own darkness, in our own core. Let’s touch and hug now, all of you freak– those who stay there, like in a dark room from childhood, who lurk from the darkness of our room all their lives and haunt us every time the light disappears in our soul and life. Come on, now, let’s persuade them to spectacularly come to our private freak show and to prove themselves as some glamorous unique, authentic, endemic species, and to embrace all their tentacles, horns, scales, claws and jaws without fear. We can also admit to ourselves that we deeply desire that beastly kiss, because it makes us beautiful. To admit to ourselves that we ourselves wanted to feel pain, because pain is a guarantee that this love is really happening, because we have previously convinced ourselves of the reality of pain. And let’s admit that the intensity of that pain convinced us that love is even greater when we suffer so much for someone and when it hurts so much and when we feel it on our own skin, and in this fleshy heart.

Why only wild passions make fields of black roses and orchids bloom from our breasts, which will seduce and possess those we want to seduce with their fragrance, like a vampire with a kiss of eternity and a juicy neck scar. Whose black orchid are we? On whose neck are we sowing traces? Whose darkness and the forbidden attract us first and why is that white light side boring, monotonous, false, hypocritical and meaningless?

Let’s admit to ourselves that we wanted to feel pain, because pain is a guarantee that this love is really happening

As if we liked that someone had power over us, and as if in that game of power we mixed play and manipulation, and irrevocably gave up or lost parts of ourselves, which we now want back, so as a punishment for embezzlement and betrayal of ourselves, we are now obsessively staring only at the one who won’t give those parts of us back to us now. Maybe the Madonna line that says: Only the one who inflicts the pain can take it away. It seems that, like a sad dog, we stand in front of someone’s door, waiting for him to restore the limits of self-respect and dignity that we voluntarily gave up in the game of love. Maybe the desire to give ourselves completely to someone completely destroyed us, brought us here, or we were just naive, and we can no longer forgive ourselves for that? We cannot forgive ourselves for our own betrayal, for which we blame another. What after that holy fusion, now we love that someone in us more than ourselves. We worship more than God himself. Maybe that’s why, because of the betrayal of self-love in us, we now love and hate them at the same time, so sick and incurable at the same time.

How, after this sacred dance within us, can we now tear all the wildness out of our chests and enter some ordinary tameness, without being false to ourselves, and still remain ourselves? As if the seed of evil was sown in the blood of the first man even before we were born and now we, unrepentant, suffer because of it? We may not remember Eve’s apple, but we remember our first sin so clearly. Not with a smile, but with a roar! And why did we ever believe that love is a sin. And did we still think that we had to give up love in order to be pure?

Love is stronger than death

And while there are such terrible questions, thoughts, anxieties and fears that love will disappear, we see how with every inhalation and exhalation, and with every tear, our emotional charge and resistance in the body, decreases and decreases – And suddenly I felt nothing.

And that’s it, the sacred place of emptiness, where we feel that we just need someone to remind us once again that love is divine and therefore immortal. Stronger than death. And that it pays off, despite everything. And we will probably cry again and believe it. And maybe we are naive again, but at least it is easier for us. Because we believe in that part of us that wants to believe in love just as much. And that something is divine. Maybe that someone we need right now is just that Seal with his song – Love’s divine. Maybe. And maybe we just need silence.

Photo: BURO.

The article is in Serbian

Tags: full moon Scorpio moment phoenixes bed


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